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About IBEX
What is IBEX?
Why is the IBEX mission important?
How does IBEX study the boundary of the Solar System?
How does IBEX collect data?
How does IBEX create a map of the Solar System boundary?
How did IBEX get into space?
Where does IBEX orbit?
How does IBEX communicate data?
From where does IBEX get its power?
How did the IBEX team work together to ensure a successful mission?
What is the timeline for the IBEX mission?
What is IBEX's future?
About IBEX's Results
What do the first maps from IBEX show?
Why are IBEX's results exciting?
How does IBEX's data add to what we previously knew?
About the Boundary of the Solar System
What defines the boundary of the Solar System?
What is the interstellar medium?
What happens when the solar wind and the interstellar medium collide?
What is the bow shock or bow wave?
What is the heliopause?
What is the termination shock?
What is outside the boundary of the Solar System?
How does the Solar System boundary affect me?
What are cosmic rays?
How do cosmic rays affect DNA?
What are energetic neutral atoms?
About the Sun
What is the Sun made of?
What is plasma?
What is the solar wind?
What is a magnetic field?
How does the solar wind move?
How does the Sun's magnetic field work?
Other Questions
What came before IBEX?
Site Map
Principal Investigator: Dave McComas
E/PO Lead: Lindsay Bartolone
Webmasters: Wendy Mills & Georgina Avalos
Last Updated: 6 June 2014
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